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- Fiber Radio Module (RA7000)
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Fiber Radio Module (RA7000)
Other- Features
- ‧Ultra Wide Broadband 10MHz~2.5GHz
- ‧Low Conversion Loss
- ‧1310nm low noise DFB laser
- ‧Comply with Every Communications Protocol
- ‧Tx / Rx Modularize
- ‧Monitoring and Alarm Interface
The RA7000 is a broadband linear, low noise RF/Optic and Optic/RF 2 way transceiver, designed for MMDS, IEEE 802.11 b.g, 3G, GSM,PCS, and other wireless communications systems applications, operating frequency from 10MHz up to 2.5GHz.‧Radio Communication System
‧Highway Application
‧Broadcasting System
‧Highway Application
‧Broadcasting System